Adele Brown Reliable Cleaning Service
Housekeeping and Cleaning Services

Thorough cleaning is not complicated but can be challenging to do the same thing over and over, week after week, or get out subborn stains. I've experimented with many cleaning products, both common, specialized and organic. No one product or method does it all, I'm still learning new methods and my customers have often been the best source of new methods and products.

A thorough house cleaning includes dusting, vacuuming, sweeping and mopping bare floors throughout the house. Bathroom, tub, toilet, sink, tile and floors, kitchen counters, cabinets, and apliances are wiped with a disinfectant. A properly cleaned house will have a light airy feeling about it. It should be noticable when you first walk in.

Producing this effect requires attention to those "unnoticed" details but the over all effect of such meticulus work effects the overall impression of your home. Gaining this level of perfection also is somewhat dependant on the relationship between the housekeeper and the client. As you can see from the letters of recommendation, I have developed relationships with my clients that help to produce a wonderful home, not just a clean house.

Cleaniness may not be next to godliness but a thoroughly cleaned house is peaceful for the mind and has an influence on harmony in the home.

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