My Husband and I met at a House Church meeting

My Husband and I were attending the same house church in lower New York state when we met and began dating. We finally married six years later after both of us had completed a Christian leadership training program. Since then, we both have participated in house church and Bible studies as our primary religious activities. Between us we have over ninety years experience participating in home churches.

Over the years my husband became a great Bible teacher. His main theme is applying Cultural Anthropology to biblical studies as a way to understand the context of many passages. In the last few years, he has independently produced a number of Bible teaching vidoes. His videos about culture and the Bible are posted on Youtube.
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My odd duck Husband also got the idea to use plastic guns in a metaphor about succeeding in the Christian Walk. He ran around a local park, dressed in a camouflage suit with toy guns, acting like he was on the hunt for evil and shooting it down (while I played camerman). Pretty funny and perhaps a bit weird but he was totally serious about turning it into a video series. He added some special effects in post editing and uploaded them to Youtube. Click Here

Eventually, we got 14 books written and published through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. The on line teaching seminar we planned never got produced, probably just too ambitious for us. The books, weren't the type of study books we first envisioned either but became a compilation of much Biblical understanding useful for Christians in this modern age. Husband's Amazon author page. Click on the Link Amazon Author's Page There is even a book on How To Self Publish!

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